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Welcome to POCACOV

Empowering Communities, Shaping Futures

At the Police Campaign Against Cultism and Other Vices (POCACOV), our mission is more than a statement; it’s a promise to our communities, a commitment to safety, education, and empowerment. Founded on the principles of community policing and collaborative engagement, POCACOV stands as a beacon of hope and change in the fight against cultism and associated societal vices. 

Our Mission

To dismantle the foundations of cultism and related vices through proactive community engagement, education, and the fostering of positive alternatives for at-risk individuals. We are dedicated to creating a secure, nurturing environment where every member of society can thrive, free from the fear and influence of cultism.

Our Vision

A society where the youth, our most valuable asset, are equipped with the knowledge, resources, and support needed to reject cultism and embrace a future of endless possibilities. We envision a community where every individual is an active participant in maintaining peace, order, and prosperity.

Key Objectives

Community Engagement & Education

To inform and involve communities in recognizing and combating the influence of cultism. Through workshops, seminars, and outreach programs.


We offer programs and initiatives to provide viable alternatives to cultism, including vocational training, educational support, & mentorship.

for Change

Collaborating with government agencies, non-profit organizations, educational institutions, and the private sector to amplify our impact and reach.

Innovation &

Utilizing digital platforms, social media, and community networks to raise awareness and foster a culture of vigilance and responsibility.

Support &

Providing support services for those affected by cultism, including counseling, rehabilitation programs, and reintegration initiatives, to ensure a second chance at a productive life.

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United Against Cultism, Committed to Change

Join us on this journey as we strive to create a safer, more inclusive society. Together, we can turn the tide against cultism and pave the way for a brighter, more secure future for all.

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